Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
SourceData |
The source data of the table represented in XML format |
Object |
None. |
Alerts |
Any alerts tied to this table (such as version changes) |
Collection of Alert |
None. |
Version |
Indicates the highest level of structural change for this table. A higher value indicates a more recent structural change occurred. For all but Version=1 of the table the user can expect a Version Description to be returned with the version value |
integer |
None. |
SourceVersionDescription |
Describes the modifications to the table's structure. Returned for all but Version=1 of the table |
string |
None. |
Vintage |
An indicator (ex. datetime) of the most recent addition of rows or modification to the content of rows in the table |
integer |
None. |
DescriptionEN |
English description of table contents |
string |
None. |
DescriptionFR |
French description of table contents |
string |
None. |
Id |
Unique Identifier of table |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
Name |
The table name |
string |
None. |